Welcome to Aoba, a magical island born from the dreams of two extraordinary sisters: Aayuushi and Anushka.
In 2019 they decided to open their dream line under the label name Erotissch.
Our journey started as Erotissch, a brand that celebrated sensuality and self-expression. While we loved what we created, we felt a calling to expand our vision, to create something that encompassed even more of life's magic.
The transition from Erotissch to AOBA wasn't just a change of name—it was a metamorphosis of spirit. We wanted to create a brand that honored our roots in self-expression while embracing a broader celebration of life, nature, and personal growth.
AOBA emerged as a paradise of possibilities—a place where the sensuality of Erotissch could blend with the wonder of new adventures, the comfort of self-acceptance, and the joy of continuous transformation.
This rebranding journey wasn't always smooth sailing. There were storms of doubt, tides of challenges. But like the island of Aoba itself, we adapted, we grew, we transformed. We carried forward the best of Erotissch—its boldness, its celebration of the self—and infused it with new elements of whimsy, wisdom, and wanderlust.